Complications in Dermal filler

Complications in Dermal filler


This course is designed to understand underlining Anatomy and Physiology including blood vessels, veins and arteries. This course covers the safe removal of Dermal Fillers. Students will have group discussions and role play. Students will partake in a practical session of setting up equipment, diluting solution and practice injecting into dummy heads.


This course is designed to understand underlining Anatomy and Physiology including blood vessels, veins and arteries. This course covers the safe removal of Dermal Fillers. Students will have group discussions and role play. Students will partake in a practical session of setting up equipment, diluting solution and practice injecting into dummy heads.

Course duration – half day.

Course Structure:

  • Complications
  • Understanding Anatomy and Physiology of facial vessel mapping
  • First Aid Anaphylaxis
  • Patch Testing
  • Client Consent
  • Health and Safety

Entry Requirements:

Foundation / advanced dermal fillers